Fossil Book



Chiselapp is a website that is like github but hosts Fossil repositories. This way you can have your repository on a internet accessible host. This works like the Apache hosted repositories described in [par:Server-hosted] but Chiselapp supplies the server and the host is on the internet not a local area network.

After you set up a FREE account you can then push your repository to them and zap you are on the internet at:<your account>/repository/<Project>

Create an account

Your first step is to create an account. The Chiselapp home page is:

Fill out the form with your information in my case I used my name and my Gmail account to set it up and my account is jschimpf.


You can create repositories on the site and then copy one of your local repositories there. You have the choice of making public or private repositories. Public are visible to anyone visiting the site and private are visible only to you. In addition you do the standard Fossil assignment of users and privileges so once someone accesses the repository they only can do what you allow.( Figure:[fig:User-Configuration])

The rest of this section will show how I am putting the repository NULLMODEM on to ChiselApp.

Create Repository

The first step is to pick the option Create New Repository on your login page. This will give you the following screen:

So I fill in the name as NULLMODEM and I put in my repository password but what is Project Code ? Here you have to run Fossil to extract this information from your repository as follows:

500 FOSSIL> fossil info -R NULMODEM.fossil 

The form is now filled in and we can create the repository

and you get this:

Moving data

The next step is moving the repository on my disk to Chiselapp. This is done via a push command in Fossil. I am doing this command in the directory where NULMODEM.fossil lives so I don't need to type a path. Note the command is complete but I'm hiding my password when you do this type you password in full where I have .

501 FOSSIL> fossil push -R NULMODEM.fossil --once

Fixing Data

When you go to your new repository things are a bit messed up. You get:

Whoa where's all my nice formatting and pointers to my documentation ? They are hidden and you have to get them back:

Go to the timeline view:

And see the top checkin that is the initial empty check-in this is an artifact of how Chiselapp creates your repository and you have to SHUN it

You will then be taken to another page where it will ask you if you really want to do this and pick Shun again.

Not quite there yet, you have to log into the project (Remember your name and password from Figure:[fig:Filled-in-form]) log in with this information and go to the Admin->Configuration page. Put in the same information you had on your local repository and ZAP your home page is back.

Final Fixes

The home page is now restored and we are ready to go.

The only problem now is the System Manual link doesn't work. The original was:

The fix is to change the link to just /doc/tip/DOCS/NULMODEM.pdf


When you created the repository on ChiselApp you used this command: (note these lines are just folded to fit the page when used they should all be one line.)

fossil push

                              -R NULMODEM.fossil --once

when you did that the repository was created but it did not sync with your local one. This is probably not a good idea as you want the ChiselApp repository to stay up to date. If you leave off the –once then it will sync locally. If it isn't synching now and you want to reverse this at any time just type:

fossil push

                              -R NULMODEM.fossil

i.e. the command without the –once and you are syncing again.

Final Result

Now you can go to and view the repository and do what an anonymous user can do.