Fossil Book


What's next ?

Learning more

This book so far has covered how to use the many features of Fossil and has, I hope, interested you in using it. The question "what's next" now comes up. First go to the Fossil website . While there you can go to the Docs link and view the list pages. There are all sorts of topics covered in depth. If that still doesn't help, you can join the Fossil forum and ask a question. I have found the forum contributors, including members of the development team, to be very helpful and have had my questions asked very quickly.

In the Fossil forum you will see suggestions for changes to be made to Fossil, some of these are accepted very quickly and will appear within hours in the Fossil source code. Others engender long discussions and it is interesting to read the pros and cons of suggested changes.

Fossil is an evolving program but if you get a version that has all the features you need you can stick with that version as long as you like. Going to a new version though is simple and just requires a rebuild of your current repositories. The developers have been very careful to preserve the basic structure so it is easy and safe to switch versions.


Finally if you wish to contribute to the project there are many things to do, often triggered by forum comments.